Josh & Emily's
Friday night - and it's about 30 degrees and breezy.

Emily is a farm
(udders, pig tail, chicken feet)

The spread
(including Josh & Emily's homemade pickles)

Xa, Sarah, Emily, Monica, Kolja, Sean
(Alexandra was an international port)

Me (Courtney Love) & Sean (Martha Stewart)

Josh, Monica, (Kolja), Sean, Alexandra
(Josh was a crazy alien.... uh huh)

Cathy & Monica
(Cathy & Sam won as best couple)

Sarah & Dr. Marc Green
(this is the newly pregnant Sarah)

Matt & Fernanda
(they performed earlier in the parade)


Emily hands out the prizes

Sam & Cathy
(weather & road)

Sarah, Noah, Jeremy, (Dunno)

Sarah & Me

Kolja the Daredevil

Strike a Pose

Sam makes his move

Stacy motorboats - Martha's favorite

More prize-giving

Emily's Mom, Josh's parents

Alexandra & Me with our prizes

Sean with his prize (TP)

You ask Sam "What are you?" and he replies
"Partly cloudy with a chance of showers" and he sprays you




"Whatcha got?"

Which took place in the mansion where Heather works. Weather called for 28 degrees and 1-3" of snow. In lieu of catching pneumonia as Courtney Love again, I opted for the "pajamas and hair rollers" costume. Warm and cozy.

Heather fed the troops

Calvin (with Hobbes)

In the Great Room (Rose Red was filmed in here)

Matrix and Cowardly Lion

Great Room again

Bjork helps with the dishes

Sean & my lazy costume (rollers already removed)

Sister Christian

Setting up the movies

Day of the Dead Dinner

Nancy Pearl