This is the page where you will get to know my family.
All of these pictures are from Tuesday night at St. George and the Dragon.

And here's 32 people trying to figure out who's driving, who has the keys, and which cars to get into

Grandma & Grandpa with their kids:
Herb, Wes, Grandpa, Russ, Grandma, Burt, Julie, Nancy

Grandma & Grandpa with their in-laws:
Kay, Steve, Grandma, Sean, Grandpa, Val, Karyn, Alene

Russ' Family:
Russ, Me, Todd, Kay

My Family:
Sean & I

Burt's Family:
Alene, Brit, Burt, Bradley

Herb III's Family:
Ben, Karyn, Herb, Chamisa, Liviyah

Julie's Family:
Jamey, Sean (standing in for Tim), Julie, Ben, Laura, Joel

Wes' Family:
Val, Craig, Chelsea, Wes

Nancy's Family:
Nancy, Lukas, Steve, Dylan

Even Grandma's Family!
Uncle Keith, Aunt Rosanna, Grandma, Grandpa

Alecia & Lukas

Bart & Cinda

Bart, Cinda, Russ, and our lovely host, Marcia

Us cousins tried to cram ourselves into the phone booth.

(Taken with Joe's cell phone)
This concludes your lesson in the Culver family names.